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Acosta-Rua ... Las Memorias - Susan the Scribe, Inc.


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Gaston Acosta-Rua's life was in danger when he escaped from his beloved Cuba in 1961 with the help of fellow counter-revolutionary Juanita Castro (Fidel's sister). A medical student at the University of Havana, Gaston put his education on hold until he could earn the money to bring the rest of his family to safety in the U.S. He earned his medical degree at the University of Madrid where he met his future wife and fellow medical student, Maria Victoria Pol. The late Dr. Gaston Acosta-Rua became a highly respected micro neurosurgeon who traveled the globe on medical missions, saving countless lives both at home and abroad. People of abiding faith in God, Country and Family, The Drs. Acosta-Rua (Maria Victoria, a child psychiatrist) impacted the health and well-being of their community for many decades. Today, their three sons continue the family tradition of giving back and striving for excellence. This is the story of a remarkable family and the powerful legacy of love that Dr. Gaston Acosta-Rua left for his widow and their children, grandchildren and future generations.