Una apasionante novela ambientada en el siglo XVII sobre cómo Francisca de Pedraza, la primera mujer divorciada de España pudo romper el vínculo sagrado del matrimonio y liberarse de la crueldad de su marido. EN UN TIEMPO EN QUE EL MATRIMONIO IBA MÁS ALLÁ DE LO SAGRADO Alcalá de Henares, Siglo XVII. Francisca de Pedraza vivió en una época en que los malos tratos y la crueldad formaban parte del sacramento del matrimonio y en que las principales virtudes femeninas eran el recato, la obediencia y el silencio. Ella decidió alzar la voz. EL VÍNCULO CON LA CRUELDAD ERA IRROMPIBLE. Tras pasar su infancia en un convento para niñas huérfanas, la noticia de que un hombre había pedido su mano y podría convertirse en una esposa y madre joven fue toda una alegría. Sin embargo, poco después de la boda, el marido de Francisca se reveló como un monstruo violento con el que llegó a tener dos hijos a pesar de llevarla al borde de la muerte en varias ocasiones.
ESTA ES LA HISTORIA DE LA PRIMERA MUJER QUE PUDO SER LIBRE Solo su inteligencia y el apoyo de otras mujeres podrán salvarla a ella y a sus hijos de un destino de crueldad. La reputada novelista histórica Olalla García nos relata la vida y la batalla de una mujer que logró traspasar las fronteras y las convenciones de su época para conseguir la libertad. Hoy, su dolorosa y emocionante epopeya se considera el primer referente de la lucha contra la violencia de género en nuestro país. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION A passionate novel, set in the seventeenth century, about Francisca de Pedraza, Spain's first divorced woman, and how she managed to break the sacred bond of marriage and be free of her husband's cruelty.
Alcalá de Henares, seventeenth century. Francisca de Pedraza lived in a time when abuse and brutality were part of the holy sacrament of marriage, and the main feminine virtues were modesty, obedience, and silence. She chose to raise her voice.
After spending her childhood in a convent for orphan girls, the news that a man had asked for her hand and she could become a young wife and mother was quite a joy. However, soon after the wedding, Francisca's husband revealed himself as a violent monster with whom she had two children despite him taking her to the brink of death on several occasions. THIS IS THE STORY OF THE FIRST WOMAN WHO COULD BE FREE.
Only her wit and the support of other women could save her and her children from a cruel fate. Renowned historical novelist Olalla García narrates the life and battle of a woman who managed to go beyond all frontiers and the conventions of her time to get her freedom. Today, her painful and exciting epic story is considered the first reference in the fight against gender violence in Spain.
ESTA ES LA HISTORIA DE LA PRIMERA MUJER QUE PUDO SER LIBRE Solo su inteligencia y el apoyo de otras mujeres podrán salvarla a ella y a sus hijos de un destino de crueldad. La reputada novelista histórica Olalla García nos relata la vida y la batalla de una mujer que logró traspasar las fronteras y las convenciones de su época para conseguir la libertad. Hoy, su dolorosa y emocionante epopeya se considera el primer referente de la lucha contra la violencia de género en nuestro país. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION A passionate novel, set in the seventeenth century, about Francisca de Pedraza, Spain's first divorced woman, and how she managed to break the sacred bond of marriage and be free of her husband's cruelty.
Alcalá de Henares, seventeenth century. Francisca de Pedraza lived in a time when abuse and brutality were part of the holy sacrament of marriage, and the main feminine virtues were modesty, obedience, and silence. She chose to raise her voice.
After spending her childhood in a convent for orphan girls, the news that a man had asked for her hand and she could become a young wife and mother was quite a joy. However, soon after the wedding, Francisca's husband revealed himself as a violent monster with whom she had two children despite him taking her to the brink of death on several occasions. THIS IS THE STORY OF THE FIRST WOMAN WHO COULD BE FREE.
Only her wit and the support of other women could save her and her children from a cruel fate. Renowned historical novelist Olalla García narrates the life and battle of a woman who managed to go beyond all frontiers and the conventions of her time to get her freedom. Today, her painful and exciting epic story is considered the first reference in the fight against gender violence in Spain.