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Construction Grammar of the English Language: Casa - A Constructionist Approach to Syntactic Analysis - John Benjamins P


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The present book provides an introduction to the linguistic model of Construction Grammar, offering a full analysis of the grammar of the English language. It covers all levels of morpho-syntactic form-meaning units: including sentence types, tense and aspect, argument structure, phrases, idioms, word and morphological constructions.
In line with its usage-based approach, all constructions are discussed using authentic corpus examples. In order to illustrate how constructions can be learnt, the book draws on authentic data from child language. Furthermore, corpus analysis is used to show which lexical items typically occur in the slots of constructions and make up their 'collo-profile'.
A key feature of the book is that it develops a systematic method for showing how constructions combine to form actual utterances. For this purpose, so-called 'construction grids' are developed which contain all the constructions that make up even the most complex sentences and show points of overlap between them.