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Goat Goes to Playgroup - MacMillan Children's Books


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There's a commotion in the classroom as Goat and the other animals spend the day at playgroup. The musical instruments and the dressing up box are lots of fun, but - oh dear! - Goat gets into a muddle or two.

Even the smallest toddler will enjoy the wonderfully silly animal antics in this book - the ideal story for any child starting at, or already attending, a playgroup or kindergarten.

Trademark Julia Donaldson rhymes and rhythms are perfect to read aloud, and Nick Sharratt's mischievous and funny illustrations make the bright and playful Goat Goes to Playgroup a sure winner. Just right for toddlers!

Look out for more great books: Hippo Has a Hat, Animal Music, Toddle Waddle and Chocolate Mousse for Greedy Goose.