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Stella goes to Escola - Andrea Nunes


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Stella's first day of escola is here! As she starts this new adventure, she is excited to

see what is in store. There will be new things to learn, amigos to meet, and

memories to make. With her teacher up front and ready to teach all the new alunos,

learn along with Stella as they go through shapes, números, and some favorite

cores. Stella is most excited to read books in class with her new friends.

What do you love to learn the most?

Starting school is a memorable time, and each first day of school can bring different

emotions. Excitement, nervousness, anticipation. Through lessons learned both in

school and in life, we gain the knowledge to move us closer to our dreams. The

nervousness becomes confiança, the anticipation becomes determinação, and the

excitement stays and grows.

This book is written primarily in English with Portuguese words inserted into each

page's rhyme, helping teach one word at a time in a fun-to-read way.